Fountain Valley High School
Protocol for Visitors to School Campus
It is important that all visitors be made aware of and adhere to
HBUHSD BOARD Policy 1250 which governs the activities of outsiders.
FVHS is considered a Closed Campus during regular school hours. It is our goal to have a safe and healthy environment for our staff members, students, and visitors to our campus.
In general, all visitors, including parents/guardians, must sign in at the reception desk. Unless pre-arranged, visitors are not authorized to visit classrooms, walk around campus, including the library, cafeteria, gym, etc. during the instructional school day, including before and directly after school hours.
Helpful tips for guests:
Helpful tips for staff:
One Time Visit
Multiple Visits (Former students, parents, volunteers)
Our goal is the safety of ALL STAFF and STUDENTS.
Questions: please email Jon Hurst at [email protected]